Yes, I can believe it,
I 2, have been victim in one of their more insidious plots: did you ever notice that they don't send 'Show Cause" (or any other motions for that matter) via "Certified" or "Registerd' mail? In regular court, even if someone is suing you in Small claims court for $50, you get served with papers. Not the FOC. Through their error, they thought that I was supposed to be paying a certain amount per month ($0 now, since I have Physical Custody of my older daughter & joint physical on my younger - so support is suspended, though my ex is making way more than I do, but not reporting it, but her being in FL, Michigan FOC can't bother to check up on her......), but anyway, I was supposed to have a "Show Cause" hearing on Monday, May 2, 2005 - it turns out on Thrusdays's mails (May 5, 2005) I get 2 letters from Berrien FOC - one telling me that I have a Show Cause hearing on May 2, 2005 & the other telling me that I missed it (since I had no notice of it) & that a bench warrent for $900 had been put out on me.
I called up the FOC, & talked to Enforcement - they told me that 'the proof is upon YOU' to prove that the notice got to me late' & that I'd have to get the post office to write me an excuse (remindes me of grade school having my mommy write me a note) - & I asked him 'Which Post Office?" ( In Berrien County, FOC is in St. Joseph, MI & they postmark & print them in their own mailroom at the county building & then deliver them to the St. Joseph Post Office, the mail that DOESN"T get delivered to St. Joseph (everything else) goes to the Benton Harbor Post Office (about 2 miles away - they are Twin Cities, seperated by the St. Joseph River), from the Benton Harbor Post Office, all mail not going to Benton Harbor, goes to the Kalmazoo post office, which then (in my case going to New Buffalo - which has one of those uniquie situations where both the New Buffalo Post Office (49117) & the Grand Beach Post Office (49117) both have the same Zip Code) so the Kalamazoo Post Office sends all mail to the 49117 zip code to either New Buffalo or Benton Harbor (PHEW). I asked them "Which Post office do I go to so that I can talk to the post master" they told me any would be fine. So I went that same day, to the New Buffalo Post office with both letters & their envelopes & they right away believed my tale - & showed me that the 'bar coding' (look on the bottom of mail that is delivered to your houme) - most of the 'presorted first class' mail has a crude 'bar code' with numbers on top of that @ the bottom of the envelope - the letter that was LATE, had the barcode crossed out with a black magic (sharpie) marker. The Postmaster Explained that the reason that had been done was because the ltetter had been deliverd to the grand Beach post office - so Grand Beach (or whomever the post office that got the mail mis-delivered to) blacks out the barcoding on the bottom of the envelope & then 'hand forwards it' back to the correct post office. The New Buffalo Postmaster(mistress?) was a very nice lady & wrote out a nice letter explaining what had happened & that I did get the letters both at the same time (one late & one on time) & then put the Post Offcice seal on it!.
I got ahold of the Enforcement Deptpartment on Fri 5/6, told them tthat I had gotten a note explaining that the 'show cause' letter had been misdelivered' (from the post office). I talked to the head of enforcement & asked him what I was to do. He told me to come in (they weren't going to arrest me) & bring in both letters & the note/letter from the NB Postmaster - which I did. He looked them over, even called the post office (which the postmaster put her direct number on her note) & he grudginly admitted that I had done noting wrong, & that there should not have been a bench warrent out for me & that he would take care of it before the end of the day (Friday May 6) & that I'd be getting a letter from the FOC letting me know that the bench warrant had been dropped, canceled, sometime in the next week.Well, by Yesterday (5/18/04) after it being almost 2 weeks after meeting with the head of enforcement, I decided to call, since I still hadn't gotten a letter from the FOC, telling me that the Bench Warrent had been dropped - I wasn't worried about it (thougth I SHOULD HAVE BEEN) because the head of the enforcement department told me on 5/6 that the bench warrant had been taken care of & the FOC wouldn't LIE to me, would they??? Turns out, the lady that answered the enforcement's phone recognized my voice saying 'your the nice man from New buffalo, aren't you" & I said that I was & I was wondering why I hadn't gotton my paper work from FOC saying that the Bench Warrant had been dropped. She tole me - that's because it hadn't been - to which I frantically asked 'WHY! whay did I do wrong?" - she told me to calm down, it wasn't my fault but that the head of enforcement had not had a chance yet to get it done. I told her that he TOLD ME IT HAD BEEN TAKEN CARE OF of 5/6 & she said "and you believed him?" - she assured me that he would be geting out of his meeting in about 30 minutes, and she would eithe rhave him take care of it, or have him giver her permission for her to get it done. I told her thanks. I then asked her - why don't you send out stuff like this Certified or Regsitered Mail, or have a process server server it on a person: she said - off the record, for reasons like yours - If they did it the correct way, then people like me would have a lega paper trail to vindicate ourselves, but doing it the way they do now, unless the person is persistant (like me) & is aware of his rights (like me) he or she would just come in & pay the $900 (or whatever the bench warrent amount was for) instead of defending themseleves, & to them it was 'easy money'. So anything you tell me I can belive.
xcowgirl2000 wrote:Well I recieved a call from our attorney yesterday telling us that my DH has to appear BACK IN FELONY COURT TOMORROW morning.>Apparenlty they have a little system where they CHECK UP on the NCP that have made "payment" arrangements and slide out of the jails on their trumped up charges. IF they fail to "be current" it is mandatory 30 days in jail. NICE..huh - how is he goin got pay if he is in jail AGAIN???
You make a valid, logical, well balanced, astuted observation & statement. However, as the judges of this state & our fearful leader Mike Cox have put it - 'you'd be surprised how much money comes out of the woodwork when jail time is threatened or when we actually put the person in jail' ( hears in the distance the sound of Jack-booted goose-stepping sheeple off in the distance growing louder). No requard for the fact that even FIA's study shows that 85% (or more) of the people who pay child support & are behind are making less than 10K a year. Forget that they are sidestepping the constituion (putting people in jail for debts owed - a 'debtor's prison' was outlawed by a constitutional ammendment I believe) - and remembering how many times I've been told in 'Family Court' that you are not Innocent until Proven Guilty here, you're Guilty Until you can Prove yourself Innocent ('hears a distant Myke Cocks screamiing something in German about 'Vertoten Vatters" & each time a rousing "Sieg Heil!" echos in the background)
SO here I sit - of course printing off canceled checks - coping pay stubs that show his wage garnishments and SOME THAT DON'T - the checks that were not garnished I made sure they took DOUBLE out thefollowing week. Coping his unemployment pay stubs that were not garnished - but presenting a copy of a check that I mailed 2 days ago. The major thing here - 2 months ago unemployment garnished his checks and all of a sudden = nothing - WHY?? Let me guess - there >records don't show anything!!! *Ding ding ding - you wind the prize of the day* You expect accuracy from this state (Michigan) that has how many Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Collecected but UNDISTRIBUTED Child Support (in simple terms 100's of Millions of $$$'s that have been paid in Child Support to the state by upstanding Fathers but by some SMALL accounting Error (what is it now $150 million, $170 Million, $200 Million?????) but this money has NOT BEEN PAID OUT to the people that it was supposed to be paid to? How many father's have gone to jail or how many father's have had to beg, borrow or steal money to pay money that they've already paid in????? When will this Madness stop (tries to listen to Winnie's "we will fight them in the air, we will fight them on the beaches, we will fight them in the streets....we shall not give up....we shall never surrender" But alas, it's getting drown out by Mike the AG's Brown-nosed Shirts goosesteeping louder & louder*)
I am so sick of having to keep track of this crap.Wish us luck!! So many good people are, but don't tire - I know there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel, but think of what would have happened to Brittan if they would have given up, because they were tired of fighting. (hears a louder & louder singing of "Mike Cox, Mike Cox, uber alles, uber alles im dem Velt", & then a rousing "Mike for Govenor, Mike for Govenor" - & Turns to wretch)Than you, X for writing such a nice post, reminding us why we are in here, in this group - in other groups, in the streets, in the court houses, etc.
After watching people start arguing about Gay Marraige (are they crazy? It would just lead to Gay Divorce - & if they had a child during the marraige, & they were lesbians, whom would they favor in that???????? - ((My apologies to all that are not heterosexuals - I was not trying to make fun of you, just warning you - the family court system is in shambles, count your blessing that you can't get married (& then be elgible to have your life ripped apart & tormented for the next 15 - 25 years), people arguing about all other types of things besides what we really need to do, which is concentrate on what is wrong out there & what can we do (by ourselves, IRL, in this group & in IRL Groups, etc) to get these things changed?????