Sunday, October 30, 2005

Something I Came Across In Old E-Mails

The root cause is the entirety of Subchapter IV. This is why, at the lower levels, there is forced creation of a non-custodial parent in order to conform to the guidelines of welfare so as to continue to receive federal assistance. This is why at least one parent is separated from their child(ren) when the courts are asked to intervene. This is why paternity fraud goes unpunished. This is why CPS removes children on a whim and places them in foster care. This is why the CSE agencies are given a federal incentive to disobey state laws.

The Motive For State's Profit
Incentives paid by the American taxpayer to the states are outlined in Section 658a. And Section 658a, along with Section 666, falls under Part D of Subchapter IV.

The Bradley Amendment is 42 USC 666. If one actually follows the link to it, they’ll find that it is only a section of Subchapter IV, Part D (also known as Title IV-D of the Social Security Act) of US Code Title 42, Chapter 7 (which is where Social Security receives its funding). Section 666 basically calls for the improved effectiveness of child support enforcement by, in part, making modification of support orders non-retroactive

Thursday, October 27, 2005

What Does a Severely Alienated Child look like?

Copyright 1998 by Douglas Darnall, Ph.D.

They have a relentless hatred for towards the targeted parent.

They parrot the Obsessed Alienator.

The child does not want to visit or spend any time with the targeted parent.

Many of the child's beliefs are enmeshed with the alienator.

The beliefs are delusional and frequently irrational.

They are not intimidated by the court.

Frequently, their reasons are not based on personal experiences with the targeted parent but reflect what they are told by the Obsessed Alienator. They have difficulty making any differentiate between the two.

The child has no ambivalence in his feelings; it's all hatred with no ability to see the good.

They have no capacity to feel guilty about how they behave towards the targeted parent or forgive any past indiscretions.

They share the Obsessed Alienators cause. Together, they are in lockstep to denigrate the hated parent.

The children's obsessional hatred extends to the targeted parent's extended family without any guilt or remorse.

They can appear like normal healthy children until asked about the targeted parent that triggers their hatred.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Why are we not successful as a movement?

Why are we not successful as a movement?
1. apathy
2. perception that we are defeated before we fight
3. perception that we can not do anything about it
4. loser attitude5. lack of true leadership
6. disorganized
7. unmotivated
8. afraid
9. weak character
10. lack of understanding of what it means to be a man

E-Mail from David Burrows

Also David sent me a very fair and honest question. Below is the question he e-mailed and my response.

Fm: David Burrows
I am listening to your live show where you put down negative attack campaigns such
as the Verizon ad. I see your point and agree to some extent on what you are

I am sure that you are offending members of Glen Sacks groups. My question
is why are you not leading more positive action. I have been listening to your show
for a long time and I cant remember one organized call to action like what Glen
Sacks does.

Response: Richar' Farr


We have had call to actions converning the Dick Clark DeatBeat Dad Show,We had a call to action concerning Dominos Pizza, We have had a call toaction concerning News Paper reporter Mike Seate, We had a call to actionconcerning the Gov. of the state of New Mexico, all have had a sweeping effects.

There are also many measures we have taken on silently behind the scenes.

My point is not to ofend anyone. My point is lets get smart about how and what we protest over. We can not afford unsucessful protest and campaigns.

To me a protest and campaign is won or lost before it starts. Thats why I talk about building a foundation, doing your homework and making sure the protest is your last resort. But make damn sure you have mustered thevoice to win.

I approch the movement differently. I look at the landscape and find the strongholds and weakness' we as a movement can build upon.

I am not after a name in bright lights. My victory and glory will be in knowing my sons will not suffer like I or they have. Thats the only Difference.

Glenn plays a very important role and his efforts should not or cannot be overlooked. We just do different things. But our ability to make a call to action is not one of them.

Thank You very much for listening to my show and sending me your comments.

I feel we all must review our directions and state of our hearts.

You helped me look at mine. I hope I answered your questions and please write any time.

Richar' Farr

So you tell me what you think. Please this one time post your comments or e-mail them to me:

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Another Father Down

From: "Nate Moore" <>
Subject: The Great Battle of Fatherhood
Last week I posted a thread concerning my situation and case as a father whohas had my son for two years after serving in Iraq. I received many repliesand got some great advise and help. I need more. Recently regarding mycase, for some reason I am hitting overwhelming road blocks with help fromthe legal offices needed. I have a case that is like a lifetime movie and is seriously not complex at all. But the simplest things will not get looked at for some reason.

Let me show you:
* I have overwhelming evidence in my hands to prove and show perjury on several different occasions already in court during August.
* Without even looking for the best interests of the child, the judge removed my son and placed him with mom, he went from living in his own home with his own bed to sleeping with mom in a twin bed in a 6 foot by 10 foot bedroom in a four bedroom flat with 10 adults. He is 5 1/2 .
* Mother has falsely claimed income earnings and expenditures by a long shot (evidence will already prove wrong)
* A large military investigation has been posted against mother for $32,000 in family support collected over the last year that has not been provided for her dependants at all (myself and my son) and is required byRegulation (UCMJ) & an adultery investigation.
* Regardless of myself already having a physical custody order and providing a stable living environment for the last two years, judge overturned and placed child with mom in current living conditions in SF. There was no fault of mine or living arrangements that made his decision, it was school selection only hearing. (Welfare and/or arrangements and emotional ties were not even considered for judgment)These are just a few of the things at hand.

My problem:

* My attorney refuses to files my interrogatories I asked him to file without more money put on the table
* He also refuses to go any further with my case without more money on the table regardless of us being in the middle of the case right now
* Even though I only have till the 18th of September to apply for reconsideration and appeal of the judges decision, he is attempting to get me a deal on the 12th for less than 50% even though I have been sole caretaker and provider of this child for two years after leaving the military on a sole parenthood discharge in 2003 after Iraq

I am a father who has been done seriously wrong here and I cant stop until it is made right. I am searching for all avenues of help that I can find for taking this to reconsideration. My sonis not in good living conditions and he is also desiring and letting hismother know that he wants to spend time with me and she refuses most of thetime. I need help. I am asking if anyone knows any of the following thingsto please contact me:
* I need to find any groups that aggressively fight for fathersrights in case like this and can offer support of help in filing thesemotions on my own
* Suggestions or ideas on how I can file certain motions such asshow cause for perjury or reconsideration without this attorney
I got* Suggestions on what ways I can postpone or push back this courtdate for visitation on the 12th so I can obtain proper legal counsel to help me
* Any other suggestions even financially I can gain or find support for a case like this.I really need you help and support. Please let me know if anyone can helpwith some of these issue. If you can help and would like to know more aboutmy case please reply via email and I will be glad to contact you back.Thanks and God Bless...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005



Across the nation this month, legal reform activists are planning demonstrations and vigils at family courts to coincide with the local area airing of a Public Broadcasting System (PBS) expose detailing the dysfunction in America’s family court system, “Breaking the Silence - Children's Stories.

Here in Clark County, legal reformers will demonstrate on FRIDAY, OCT. 21, 2005 (between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.) at the Family Court House at Bonanza and Pecos, to support the efforts of PBS to shed light on the critical issues in our family courts. On that day at 5 a.m. (and again on SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 2005 at 2 p.m.) our local PBS station (KLVX-Channel 10) is airing this important program. In Northern Nevada, the program is airing on THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 2005 at 10 p.m., and we are asking that our legal reformers there stage a demonstration on that day.

The program description states, “From adult children of abuse to families re-victimized by the court systems to children experiencing the trauma today, Breaking the Silence offers moving and unforgettable profiles of those struggling to put their lives back together. The program also documents the disturbing frequency with which abusers are winning custody of their children in family court cases, and explores why this miscarriage of justice continues to occur.

For this event, we ask that you bring signs to carry supporting various issues, including calling for family court reform in Nevada and urging citizens to watch the PBS program on October 23. For those who oppose (for one example) Judge Cheryl Moss and her well-publicized mistakes (or other judges whom you may feel are inadequate), you can express those opinions on signs you display at the demonstration or you may wish to call for specific judges to be formally recalled (impeached). If you are currently suffering in the family court system, you may choose to carry signs which state, no retaliation for free speech. You may wish to petition against court bias towards court users without attorney representation, or regarding costs to use the courts.

Some signs will direct on-lookers to watch the PBS program on October 23 in order to gain awareness of these issues. We will videotape this peaceful demonstration and encourage all participants to refrain from blocking traffic or engaging in any negative behavior that would detract from the effectiveness of this gathering. We also ask that you forward this e-mail to as many interested parties as you know in order to get the turnout needed to be effective.

Please e-mail me at with any questions or concerns. You may also call me at (702) 262-9312 or (702) 597-2982. We need your support of this critical effort to bring awareness to the needed changes in our family courts, both locally and nationwide.

Sincerely, Juli T. Star-AlexanderRedress, Inc.