Sunday, December 10, 2006

This program was produced over a year ago with fathers from the ravaged gulf coast. With the latest reports of NonCustodial Parents being arrested for Child Support Issues it provides more evdience of the ill will of the state and county goverments.

The orginal description of this program.

Will Katrina provide the test needed to show that current federal laws concerning child support are, "Not in The best Interest Of Our Children"? Richar's guest included fathers from the center of a new storm which could destroy lives in the name of state revenues.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stemming in part from words of the noted author, scholar, Citizen Phyllis Schlafly (please pardon my presumptuous license in making reference) – may it be that perhaps the "Interests of Children" has somehow Kidnapped the "Interests of Children?"

- just adad

(see Phyllis Schlafly, "Welfare reform meets the law of unintended consequences," Townhall, Monday, March 27, 2006, via

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stick to your seat, my boy; he can't keep this up much longer.. Now, then, sleep on; why, it's but a dream; this is in many cases the suggestion of the Forec.. I--er--will, said the Colonel, almost as breathlessly.. Can any Inmate give me a motto for M.. He was unable to scream at first; then his voice returned, and he was heard to say distinctly: No, no, not me; why, I have done nothing, or, Please don't, I shall never do it again.. Very well, Hester--very well indeed, said Mrs.. Analysis: He feels sure that even the first dream contains a reference to the lady whom he is to meet at the rendezvous (the dream was dreamed during the night before the expected meeting).. ' Ross mentally dug within himself for sources of rich streams of conversation.. Again the name acted as a spur on Ross.. In a land of easy morality his friends had accounted him something of a paragon; nor had Stuhk ever had anything but praise for him.. He's quiet enough now. In his left hand he waved the stub of a cigar, and on his back was an admirable representation of Balaam's head, executed by some artist with billiard chalk. The differences are here the same as those found in the gradual decline of the originally distinct visual imagination.. The squire shouted in triumph as he drew past the deacon, and the dejected Hawkins shrivelled into a heap on the seat, with only his hands sufficiently alive to hold the lines.. Colonel Starbottle had so far recovered his equanimity as to strut jauntily towards his office, where he was to meet his fair client.. Republished in the volume, Short Sixes: Stories to Be Read While the Candle Burns (1891), by Henry Cuyler Bunner; copyright, 1890, by Alice Larned Bunner; reprinted by permission of the publishers, Charles Scribner'a Sons.. Now came the advantage of his long morning-nap, and of the green tea with which Polly supplied the kitchen.. He was untroubled by any sense of wrong; he was simply and unreasoningly satisfied with what he had done.. The information that it would be impossible to upset the little vessel had greatly cheered him, and he could laugh.. It hain't been used for nothin' yit, senct I built it two years ago...

1:27 PM  

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