Another Encounter
In, "Mark" wrote:>>
I had my first face to face encounter with Monroe County Child
> Support Enforcement Unit. Forgive me for making this short and
> sweet; but I need to take a shower, I feel filthy.
> > Once I found a place to park and found my way to the building that
> houses the CSEU, I was surprised at what I discovered. Upon
> entering the building, I was greeted by your friendly neighborhood
> security guard. Ah yes, he and his co-worker were there with smiles
> on; ready to put me throught the metal detector; how I enjoy that!
> > Have any of you ever been to the Monroe County CSEU? I can help you
> to find the place easily. Yea, it's just down the hall from where
> all of the parolee's report to their parole officers. Yep, just
> stroll on past the window where they report and take a left at the
> next doorway. Once you find where you need to go they require you
> to fill out a form which asks what information you are requesting.
> I was impressed with the bold print at the bottom of the page
> telling me that aggression, and or profanity would ensure tha
t> myself and the crack security team would get to know one another on
> a more....well.....shall we say "personal level".
> > I will say that the examiner who "helped" me was pleasant and I only
> waited for a few minutes.
> > It's funny, I actually thought I would be able to resolve the
> situation I was enquiring about. That was silly of me. The
> examiner doesn't resolve anything; of course not! I presented my
> information and now it goes on a magical journey to "upstairs" as it
>was put to me. This must be where the case workers are buisily
> penning letters to non-custodial parents; warning them that they
> will intercept their tax returns to pay off arrears and a host of
> other fun and exciting things. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!>
> Hey, I guess I should look on the bright side. Because of the metal
> detectors I felt prettey secure that I wouldn't get "shanked" in the> bathroom.
> > > Mark J. Antinore
I had my first face to face encounter with Monroe County Child
> Support Enforcement Unit. Forgive me for making this short and
> sweet; but I need to take a shower, I feel filthy.
> > Once I found a place to park and found my way to the building that
> houses the CSEU, I was surprised at what I discovered. Upon
> entering the building, I was greeted by your friendly neighborhood
> security guard. Ah yes, he and his co-worker were there with smiles
> on; ready to put me throught the metal detector; how I enjoy that!
> > Have any of you ever been to the Monroe County CSEU? I can help you
> to find the place easily. Yea, it's just down the hall from where
> all of the parolee's report to their parole officers. Yep, just
> stroll on past the window where they report and take a left at the
> next doorway. Once you find where you need to go they require you
> to fill out a form which asks what information you are requesting.
> I was impressed with the bold print at the bottom of the page
> telling me that aggression, and or profanity would ensure tha
t> myself and the crack security team would get to know one another on
> a more....well.....shall we say "personal level".
> > I will say that the examiner who "helped" me was pleasant and I only
> waited for a few minutes.
> > It's funny, I actually thought I would be able to resolve the
> situation I was enquiring about. That was silly of me. The
> examiner doesn't resolve anything; of course not! I presented my
> information and now it goes on a magical journey to "upstairs" as it
>was put to me. This must be where the case workers are buisily
> penning letters to non-custodial parents; warning them that they
> will intercept their tax returns to pay off arrears and a host of
> other fun and exciting things. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!>
> Hey, I guess I should look on the bright side. Because of the metal
> detectors I felt prettey secure that I wouldn't get "shanked" in the> bathroom.
> > > Mark J. Antinore
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