Something I Came Across In Old E-Mails
The root cause is the entirety of Subchapter IV. This is why, at the lower levels, there is forced creation of a non-custodial parent in order to conform to the guidelines of welfare so as to continue to receive federal assistance. This is why at least one parent is separated from their child(ren) when the courts are asked to intervene. This is why paternity fraud goes unpunished. This is why CPS removes children on a whim and places them in foster care. This is why the CSE agencies are given a federal incentive to disobey state laws.
The Motive For State's Profit
Incentives paid by the American taxpayer to the states are outlined in Section 658a. And Section 658a, along with Section 666, falls under Part D of Subchapter IV.
The Bradley Amendment is 42 USC 666. If one actually follows the link to it, they’ll find that it is only a section of Subchapter IV, Part D (also known as Title IV-D of the Social Security Act) of US Code Title 42, Chapter 7 (which is where Social Security receives its funding). Section 666 basically calls for the improved effectiveness of child support enforcement by, in part, making modification of support orders non-retroactive
The Motive For State's Profit
Incentives paid by the American taxpayer to the states are outlined in Section 658a. And Section 658a, along with Section 666, falls under Part D of Subchapter IV.
The Bradley Amendment is 42 USC 666. If one actually follows the link to it, they’ll find that it is only a section of Subchapter IV, Part D (also known as Title IV-D of the Social Security Act) of US Code Title 42, Chapter 7 (which is where Social Security receives its funding). Section 666 basically calls for the improved effectiveness of child support enforcement by, in part, making modification of support orders non-retroactive
In Michigan the Incentive programs are actually carried down to the County Level. Aside from the obvious issues of an employee of the court acting outside actual authority almost in a completely autonomous nature as if it was an Agency, there are other issues.
At my namesake website you will find motions and commentary on how inept the "employee" acting as "agency" is at doing its "statutory" job. They are in the business of automating family law as if it was an Administrative Process when it truly is a Judicial process. Watch for more commentary regarding the powers of the "foc" in Michigan, there is much more to it than meets the eye.
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