All bout Roberts.
The nomination of John Roberts for Supreme Court Justice needs your help. Call both your Senators today using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask that they vote for John Roberts for Supreme Court!
Your rights as a parent may be at stake.
What does the nomination mean for you?
Roberts may actually support equal rights for men and fathers in cases that come before the Court. Why would we think that?
NOW and similar organizations have accused Roberts of:Promoting equal rights (no preferences) in the workplace.
Promoting equal rights (no preferences) in the schools.
Opposition to ''comparable worth" (where a women in a babysitting job might receive the same pay as a person working a highly skilled, dangerous job like iron worker building a sky scraper)Opposition to special tuition breaks for women at state colleges
Co-authoring (1992) a friend-of-the-court brief arguing that public high-school graduation programs could include religious ceremonies.
Who is against Roberts?
N.O.W. , NARAL, Planned Parenthood, The Human Rights Campaign, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Parents, People for the American Way, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, and other organizations generally opposed to the rights of fathers and men.
A "NARAL Pro-Choice America" alert states the following:"If John Roberts is confirmed to the Supreme Court, he will almost immediately have an opportunity to rule on two cases with critical implications for women's health: one case could dismantle core tenets of Roe v. Wade (abortion), the Supreme Court ruling that guarantees a woman's right to choose (abortion); the second case pertains to blockades and intimidation at women's health (abortion) clinics."
A Planned Parenthood alert gave plans for a rally for abortion in this alert:
"In the weeks that followed John Roberts' nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, Planned Parenthood supporters sprang into action, helping us reach our goal of 100,000 petition signatures by September 1. From backyard barbecues to county fairgrounds, many of you accepted the call to action and hit the streets to help Save Roe........But the big battle is just about to begin. "Save Roe Rally
Please join Planned Parenthood on Tuesday, September 6, at the Supreme Court to stand watch as the confirmation hearings for Judge John Roberts begins. It is imperative that we continue to raise the question to the public and the Senate: "Judge Roberts, we want to know, will you SAVE ROE?"
"NOW and others plan massive DC rallys against Roberts. Who will testify against him at the hearings?
They include:Marcia Greenberger, president, National Women's Law Center
Karen Pearl, interim president, Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Anne Marie Tallman, president, MADLEFand similar organizations.
Change for Families is Coming.
Your rights as a parent may be at stake.
What does the nomination mean for you?
Roberts may actually support equal rights for men and fathers in cases that come before the Court. Why would we think that?
NOW and similar organizations have accused Roberts of:Promoting equal rights (no preferences) in the workplace.
Promoting equal rights (no preferences) in the schools.
Opposition to ''comparable worth" (where a women in a babysitting job might receive the same pay as a person working a highly skilled, dangerous job like iron worker building a sky scraper)Opposition to special tuition breaks for women at state colleges
Co-authoring (1992) a friend-of-the-court brief arguing that public high-school graduation programs could include religious ceremonies.
Who is against Roberts?
N.O.W. , NARAL, Planned Parenthood, The Human Rights Campaign, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Parents, People for the American Way, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, and other organizations generally opposed to the rights of fathers and men.
A "NARAL Pro-Choice America" alert states the following:"If John Roberts is confirmed to the Supreme Court, he will almost immediately have an opportunity to rule on two cases with critical implications for women's health: one case could dismantle core tenets of Roe v. Wade (abortion), the Supreme Court ruling that guarantees a woman's right to choose (abortion); the second case pertains to blockades and intimidation at women's health (abortion) clinics."
A Planned Parenthood alert gave plans for a rally for abortion in this alert:
"In the weeks that followed John Roberts' nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, Planned Parenthood supporters sprang into action, helping us reach our goal of 100,000 petition signatures by September 1. From backyard barbecues to county fairgrounds, many of you accepted the call to action and hit the streets to help Save Roe........But the big battle is just about to begin. "Save Roe Rally
Please join Planned Parenthood on Tuesday, September 6, at the Supreme Court to stand watch as the confirmation hearings for Judge John Roberts begins. It is imperative that we continue to raise the question to the public and the Senate: "Judge Roberts, we want to know, will you SAVE ROE?"
"NOW and others plan massive DC rallys against Roberts. Who will testify against him at the hearings?
They include:Marcia Greenberger, president, National Women's Law Center
Karen Pearl, interim president, Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Anne Marie Tallman, president, MADLEFand similar organizations.
Change for Families is Coming.
I'd like some real conservative guy. Is Roberts the man?
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