Why are we not successful as a movement?
Why are we not successful as a movement?
1. apathy
2. perception that we are defeated before we fight
3. perception that we can not do anything about it
4. loser attitude5. lack of true leadership
6. disorganized
7. unmotivated
8. afraid
9. weak character
10. lack of understanding of what it means to be a man
E-Mail from David Burrows
Also David sent me a very fair and honest question. Below is the question he e-mailed and my response.
Fm: David Burrows
I am listening to your live show where you put down negative attack campaigns such
as the Verizon ad. I see your point and agree to some extent on what you are
I am sure that you are offending members of Glen Sacks groups. My question
is why are you not leading more positive action. I have been listening to your show
for a long time and I cant remember one organized call to action like what Glen
Sacks does.
Response: Richar' Farr
We have had call to actions converning the Dick Clark DeatBeat Dad Show,We had a call to action concerning Dominos Pizza, We have had a call toaction concerning News Paper reporter Mike Seate, We had a call to actionconcerning the Gov. of the state of New Mexico, all have had a sweeping effects.
There are also many measures we have taken on silently behind the scenes.
My point is not to ofend anyone. My point is lets get smart about how and what we protest over. We can not afford unsucessful protest and campaigns.
To me a protest and campaign is won or lost before it starts. Thats why I talk about building a foundation, doing your homework and making sure the protest is your last resort. But make damn sure you have mustered thevoice to win.
I approch the movement differently. I look at the landscape and find the strongholds and weakness' we as a movement can build upon.
I am not after a name in bright lights. My victory and glory will be in knowing my sons will not suffer like I or they have. Thats the only Difference.
Glenn plays a very important role and his efforts should not or cannot be overlooked. We just do different things. But our ability to make a call to action is not one of them.
Thank You very much for listening to my show and sending me your comments.
I feel we all must review our directions and state of our hearts.
You helped me look at mine. I hope I answered your questions and please write any time.
Richar' Farr
So you tell me what you think. Please this one time post your comments or e-mail them to me:
1. apathy
2. perception that we are defeated before we fight
3. perception that we can not do anything about it
4. loser attitude5. lack of true leadership
6. disorganized
7. unmotivated
8. afraid
9. weak character
10. lack of understanding of what it means to be a man
E-Mail from David Burrows
Also David sent me a very fair and honest question. Below is the question he e-mailed and my response.
Fm: David Burrows
I am listening to your live show where you put down negative attack campaigns such
as the Verizon ad. I see your point and agree to some extent on what you are
I am sure that you are offending members of Glen Sacks groups. My question
is why are you not leading more positive action. I have been listening to your show
for a long time and I cant remember one organized call to action like what Glen
Sacks does.
Response: Richar' Farr
We have had call to actions converning the Dick Clark DeatBeat Dad Show,We had a call to action concerning Dominos Pizza, We have had a call toaction concerning News Paper reporter Mike Seate, We had a call to actionconcerning the Gov. of the state of New Mexico, all have had a sweeping effects.
There are also many measures we have taken on silently behind the scenes.
My point is not to ofend anyone. My point is lets get smart about how and what we protest over. We can not afford unsucessful protest and campaigns.
To me a protest and campaign is won or lost before it starts. Thats why I talk about building a foundation, doing your homework and making sure the protest is your last resort. But make damn sure you have mustered thevoice to win.
I approch the movement differently. I look at the landscape and find the strongholds and weakness' we as a movement can build upon.
I am not after a name in bright lights. My victory and glory will be in knowing my sons will not suffer like I or they have. Thats the only Difference.
Glenn plays a very important role and his efforts should not or cannot be overlooked. We just do different things. But our ability to make a call to action is not one of them.
Thank You very much for listening to my show and sending me your comments.
I feel we all must review our directions and state of our hearts.
You helped me look at mine. I hope I answered your questions and please write any time.
Richar' Farr
So you tell me what you think. Please this one time post your comments or e-mail them to me:
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