Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Child Support Enforcement A Fraud

By Bruce Eden
After reading the article “NYS Child Support Collections Top $1.5 Billion” (Feb. 25, 2006), the words that come to mind are “fraud”, “scam”, “extortion”, “racketeering” and “government oppression”.

The state talks a good story about how all the increased child support enforcement and collections benefits the children. This is pure fantasy. The monies that the state awards, enforces and collects is directly proportional to how much it receives from the federal government as incentive reimbursement funding.

And that amount is in the several hundreds of millions of dollars. The monies that the state receives for child support enforcement has no strings attached. The state uses this funding to bolster their state employee and judicial pension plans. Sounds like a massive conflict of interest and criminal conspiracy to me. The U.S. Supreme Court held in Tumey v. Ohio, Ward v. Monroeville and Gibson v. Berryhill that judges cannot sit on cases where they have a pecuniary interest in them because it would be a demonstration of actual bias.

Yet, judges, or state employed judicial hearing officers, in the domestic relations courts, sit on these cases every day. This has created a tyranny by having the state criminalize a civil matter. As stated in the article, it says that the district attorneys are getting into the act in prosecuting people for child support arrearages.

Again, this is a blatant due process and equal protection violation. When were the payor parents told, at the inception of the child support matter, that the matter would be converted from a civil case into a criminal case? When were they read their Miranda rights, such as right to remain silent about their financial situation, or given their right to trial by jury or right to appointed, competent effective counsel to defend them properly.

As can be seen by this lack of substantive due process, the entire child support enforcement mechanism is a fraud and a scam that smacks of racketeering. If any debt collection agency did this for any other debt, they be facing massive fines and criminal charges. They would be put out of business immediately.

New York State claims it is going after so-called “deadbeats” by criminalizing child support delinquencies and jailing those with large arrearages. Sounds good. However, if one were to investigate the situation they would find that most of the state’s largest delinquent child support obligors are unemployed, underemployed, undereducated, disabled, minorities, or deceased. That’s right–deceased! The state needs to keep those numbers on its books in order to maximize the federal funding it receives.

According to a 7-year longitudinal academic study done by Arizona State University that became the book, “Divorced Dads–Shattering the Myths”, it was uncovered that less than 5% of all delinquent child support payors are true “deadbeats”–those with the expensive sports cars and trophy wives half their age. So, where is the child support “deadbeat” hysteria? There is none. It is being contrived by the federal and state governments in order to control families, steal children, and eliminate fathers from families so that the state can become the “super-parent”. It is another tyrannical government program to extract money from taxpayers to support the government’s own largesse.

The state defrauds the taxpayers by claiming they are doing it “for the children”. The government never does something for its citizens without a quid pro quo. In the U.S. Supreme Court case DeShaney v. Winnebago County Board of Social Services, the high Court ruled that the state owes no duty to protect its citizens. So, the question begs: “Why is the state discriminating against one-half of the population to enforce child support?” It is obvious. It is not about the children or getting people off of welfare. It is about how much money the states can rake in so they can appropriate more money from the feds to balance their own budgets.

Federal child support enforcement laws were designed solely for TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and for welfare families. It was never designed for the “never-welfared” middle class. However, child support bureaucrats and other hangers-on testified before Congress that they needed to bring the middle-class into the fray in order to receive maximum benefits from the federal government in order to bolster state budgets. Interestingly, not one child support payor, or any advocacy group for child support payors was allowed to testify before Congress and the New York State legislature (or for any other state for that matter) in devising child support enforcement legislation. Again, we see a pattern of racketeering conspiracy and government tyranny at the expense of innocent taxpayers.

There is a large hue and cry across the country to curtail divorces because it threatens the very fabric of our society. The reason is because one parent is allowed to divorce the other without any grounds. One parent can divorce and abuse the legal system to win the divorce, all of the money and assets of the marriage, and win custody of the children (with all the attendant financial benefits that come with this). It’s all because of child support. Child support enforcement has created the “divorce state”. Not only does child support increase the amount of divorces because of the financial windfall to the custody-winning parent, it threatens society. Child support enforcement laws are in reality a threat to national security.

The time has come for lawmakers to take a second look at the draconian child support enforcement laws in this country because these laws are not constitutional. Child support enforcement laws are a threat to national security. To stop this threat, lawmakers either need to eliminate or seriously curtail child support enforcement against innocent taxpayers, or they must tax child support the way alimony is taxed. This would immediately slow down divorces in this country. This is because the custodial parent, (in over 80% of all cases it is the mother–further gender discrimination against males), would think twice about divorcing on grounds that their marriage is not satisfactory, before having to pay the additional large income tax burden.

Bruce Eden is the director of DADS (Dads Against Discrimination),
New Jersey and New York chapters,
Fathers Rights Association of New Jersey,
PO Box 4075, Wayne, NJ 07474
(973) 616-9558

Friday, February 24, 2006

Observing countries

Observing countries, I realized that each country faces one main challenge in a specific sector of life, I mean it is a sector where it is almost impossible to find a balanced fair solution to issues that may arise there, where one of the sides is always right even when it is wrong.

Here in Brazil the main problem is work and Labour Law. In English speaking countries, it is family. Of course, this main sector to be submitted to such a pressure, will interfere and disturb all other ones. But they may suffer secondary effects of the impact on that first one.

So I tell you how this matter of pension and visitation works here in Brasil. It's not only in Italy that things have been improving. From what I've been reading in this forum, we are very simple and for this, very modern here.

In case the mother has a job, she will not receive a pension, but only the child. In case the mother does not have a job, she can ask for pension, but there is no guarantee that the judge will agree on that. In case the father os the mother loose the job and the other parent is in work, the one out of work can ask the one in work for financial help while does not find another job, but only for this period of time. Nowadyas, very few woman ask for pension in this country. They prefer to be financially independent from their exs.

The child will live with the parent that has better financial conditions, no matter if the father or the mother. In case both parents become jobless, the child's grand parents will take the responsibility over the pension until parents are back in work.

Each father and mother will take responsibility over their own child, i.e., neither the father nor the mother can claim a pension for their child to a man or woman who is not the child's biological father or mother. In case they are dead, father and/or mother the first responsible ones are the child's grandparents. In case they have no financial resources, then father and/or mother can try to ask for a pension to a step father, but they will loose the trip to the tribunal because the judge will say no. Maybe, but maybe the step father or mother agrees on paying a pension to the step child, but only because his or her very personal decision was that, and not because the law obliges him or her to.

The judge determines that the child will spend two weekends per month with the father and two weekends per month with the mother.



But in terms of Labour Law...

Beatriz Pereira

Council for the Status of Men CanadaMember and Public Notice.
February 23rd, 2006

From the land of the Olympic Games comes equal parenting law.The early news from Italy is that the government has implemented new legislation that maintains both parents as equal parents.

So the Canadian women’s hockey team is not the only good news from lands of the 2006 winter games.It is a major up set for gender equality and a fitting historical Olympics that shows Canadian women are equals to men in the arena of hockey “congratulations” and I look forward to the first broadcast of “Women’s Hockey Night in Canada”.

Move your hinny over dear we are going see hockey together is going to be heard in the homes of Canada in the very near future. CTV, Global you got the opportunity of a life time to broadcasting rights of the W.N.H.L., Women’s National Hockey League of Canada, even Quebec city can now afford a team.With the new news that child custody in Italy is going for equal parenting laws for parents of divorces one can only wonder how true it is that God works in mysterious ways.

Placing equilibrium to child custody, giving equal custody rights over children of divorce family unit will do more to save the institution of family than all the psychologists on the planet earth.Once we close the advantage that one gender has over the other I am confidant we will see more problems solving than legalist billing. I can understand it will be an up hill battle to get our Canadian federal government to understand its errors of 1997 and bring in equal parenting legislation so we can end the suffering of the divorced family unite in Canada and make divorce as civilized as humanly possible.

Having parents endure the shark legalist community that has increased its income by over 24 percent over the past ten years and mainstream society has only 4 percent increase of income you can see that lawyers have profited from our dysfunctional administration of justice and divorce legislation manipulation of the 90’s.

Our information network tells us the feminist “Fem-bots” are planning a major push for public brainwashing in the form of family violence campaign to infect the public with the same old negative male bashing so the government will not change the laws to an equal parenting standard.In fact it is not without a possibility that women can now be free of the social stigma that if you don’t have custody of the child you must be a bad mother. Give that kid to the nagging ex-husband and slip on those skates because the ice is yours as much as it is ours.

Harry W. Braunschweiler
Vice President Council for Status of Men
Justice Critic and Service Worker Coordinator.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Another Encounter

In newyorkcivilrightscouncil@yahoogroups.com, "Mark" wrote:>>

I had my first face to face encounter with Monroe County Child
> Support Enforcement Unit. Forgive me for making this short and
> sweet; but I need to take a shower, I feel filthy.

> > Once I found a place to park and found my way to the building that
> houses the CSEU, I was surprised at what I discovered. Upon
> entering the building, I was greeted by your friendly neighborhood
> security guard. Ah yes, he and his co-worker were there with smiles
> on; ready to put me throught the metal detector; how I enjoy that!

> > Have any of you ever been to the Monroe County CSEU? I can help you
> to find the place easily. Yea, it's just down the hall from where
> all of the parolee's report to their parole officers. Yep, just
> stroll on past the window where they report and take a left at the
> next doorway. Once you find where you need to go they require you
> to fill out a form which asks what information you are requesting.
> I was impressed with the bold print at the bottom of the page
> telling me that aggression, and or profanity would ensure tha
t> myself and the crack security team would get to know one another on
> a more....well.....shall we say "personal level".

> > I will say that the examiner who "helped" me was pleasant and I only
> waited for a few minutes.

> > It's funny, I actually thought I would be able to resolve the
> situation I was enquiring about. That was silly of me. The
> examiner doesn't resolve anything; of course not! I presented my
> information and now it goes on a magical journey to "upstairs" as it
>was put to me. This must be where the case workers are buisily
> penning letters to non-custodial parents; warning them that they
> will intercept their tax returns to pay off arrears and a host of
> other fun and exciting things. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!>
> Hey, I guess I should look on the bright side. Because of the metal
> detectors I felt prettey secure that I wouldn't get "shanked" in the> bathroom.

> > > Mark J. Antinore

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Whine of The Day

With the ruthlessness and complete disregard for the rights of American Citizen Concerning The Outrageous acts by Michigan's Friend of The Court We Give The Whine of The Day To:

Rep. John Dingell, D-Dearborn.

Look at what the (Republicans) did," said Rep. John Dingell, D-Dearborn. "Vote against it. This is an outrage."

Part of Michigan's $1 billion loss would come in the area of child support enforcement. The state would lose an estimated $250 million in federal matching dollars for child support administration over five years.

Ultimately that could hinder state efforts to collect child supporting, costing Michigan as much a! s $1.2 billion in collections between 2006 and 2015, according to the Center for Law and Social Policy, a liberal policy group in Washington.

My Feelings: "Thank God" - Stop Mike Cox. :0)
--- In krightsradioemailgroup@yahoogroups.com,
Gregory Romeo

wrote: "Men are increasingly becoming a target of family violence".... Word for word from the mouth of a Fort Worth, Texas police officer on COPS.

Be advised that this "data" is just now hitting the mainstream, which means that this information was actually a fact more than 10 years ago and is just now surfacing through the beauracracy.

Should we all ever get smart and get together to start working cohesively, we would be in a good position to put pressure on the Department of Justice to flush out the reports and findings, en masse.

From State Reporter Aubrey El

February 1, 2006
By Aubrey El, aubreyel@verizon.net

The Senate Courts of Justice Committee of the Virginia General Assembly today voted to report Senate bill 220. Sb 220 sponsored by Senator Fredrick Quayle, Republican from Chesapeake, Virginia, provides for increasing Virginia’s child support guidelines. The bill resulted from the recommendations of the 2005 Quadrennial Child Support Review Panel. Shekhar Sharma representing Fathers For Virginia and this reporter spoke in opposition to this bill. Despite testimony that the guideline review panel had not complied with federal law in its deliberations, the Senate committee voted to report the bill to the full Senate. If passed by the Senate, the bill will go to the House of Delegates for further consideration.

Once again special thanks to the sponsors of LEGISLATIVE WATCHDOGG Barry Koplen, Angel Smith, Shekhar Sharma, Steve McVey, Thomas Murray, and Andwele Gardner.