Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Re-Set for Round Two

The Truth Continues.... Krightsradio.com

KrightsRadio is pleased to announce our move to Colorado is completed!

Krights Radio is now Broadcasting Direct from the "Denver Tech Center."

August 1, 2005 marks an amazing date as it brings Krights first year of operation to a completion. But only to bring a start to the possibilities of even a greater second year ahead of us all.

Equipted with a great determination to expose the grave truths concerning the acts against children and families in America and Around the world. Krights will continue to mount the investigations and communicate the evidence through the stories of people who must endure the injustice and bias of a system gone bad.

It is our goal to be, "The Voice of The People." Amplified to an unavoidable issue to those we elect to protect us and not betray the very interest of our families. There is a growing collective Cry from around the world. It can no longer be ignored. This is a wake up call to those elected to reform, "The Family Law System". NOW!

We are KRIGHTS RADIO- Where the Truth Continues....

To Everyone for the Help and Words of Support.. Tks-
It's Good To Be Back - Richar'
Tell 2 People -


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