Saturday, July 23, 2005

Want To Know Why You Can't.....

There is nothing that will change Parenting of our children from the current practice to equal and Shared. Unless we finally understand and know the true Nature of One Law that rejects the very idea of equal Parenting.That law is USC 42/666 - It is the Law that enslaves Fathers and Their families to the most corrupt system in America Today, "The Child Support Enforcement System".

Don't Believe Me?!

We Krightsradio Have the evidence to prove our claims on this law and it's effects upon the dinner tables and lives of American Fathers/Non-Custodial Parents.

You Want A REAL Cause?

Call For Federal Investigations Of The Child Support System and it's Employees.

Make Them Open The Books - Let's Look Behind Their Darken Doors Once and For All.

Now Who Has The Belly For A Real Reformation?