Monday, July 11, 2005

Why daddy?

Dearest Samantha,

Using my money, your mom's attorneys filed their response to my appellatebrief <> andsupplemental<>appellate brief to continue to keep you from me. Because you're only5-years old, you're too young to understand how this works. So, let meexplain it to you. You see, your mom and a lot of very evil people (e.g., her attorneys and thejudges) want to keep me from you. (Why daddy?) It's certainly a goodquestion baby, as you only know me to be a great dad. You know me as thefather who always plays baseball and basketball with you (holding my arms ina circle for the basket; by the way, please stop using my face as thebackboard). You know me as the father who constantly takes you swimming(while you and your friends climb on me in the pool as we play toll bridge,Toy Story, and surfing). You know me as the father who colors with you. whobakes brownies and cupcakes with you. who makes the lemonade for yourlemonade stand. who reads books to you. who teaches you how to ride yourbike without training wheels. who loves you. Sweetheart, when I followed the process that the government requires to getdivorced from your mom, it was never my expectation that, as a result, theywould also keep me from you. But, as I learned, when fathers and mothersdivorce, fathers are removed from their children's lives (almost always<> ). Because the judgetook you away from me (and me away from you), I filed documents in<> the Illinoisappellate court asking them to remove their guns that are keeping me fromyou and to let me back into your life. That's effectively what these briefsare: documents describing why no one should ever be able to take a childaway from a parent who has never hurt her. Your mom and her attorneys want me to be involved in your life onlyminimally. They wrote a document (called an appellee brief) that basicallysaid why I shouldn't be allowed to see you. (What did they say daddy?)You're so curious! Here are a few examples: - "The Lovetts proved in their protracted pretrial litigation that theywere incapable of working together"; (But daddy, isn't that why you andmommy got divorced?)- "Determining custody by looking at what is in the child's best interestis not perfect";- Evil people that you or I don't know gave the "courts the discretion todecide where [children] would live and which parent would make decisions";- "The states can and pretty much always have imposed separate and specialrules for children of divorce." That last one really struck me hard. (Why daddy?) Well pumpkin, you'lleventually learn this in history class, but there used to be these evil laws(known as Jim Crow <> laws) that"imposed separate and special rules" for blacks (e.g., separate drinkingfountains, separate seating arrangements, separate schools). Many peoplesuffered tremendously when these laws were in place, just like you and Iboth suffer tremendously now because someone has "separate and specialrules" in place to keep me from you. It hit me hard because most people(even our friends and family) don't care that history is repeating itself.(Why don't our friends and family care daddy?) I understand why you'reconfused sunshine, so let me say it another way: though people might CLAIMthey care, they don't care enough to actually DO anything to help us. Theymuch prefer to ignore the pain and suffering you and I feel. I don't knowwhy they aren't willing to do anything about our pain and suffering(probably because nobody's destroying their relationship with their childrenyet). When you grow up, maybe you can ask them directly why they didn'thelp; I'm sorry sweetheart, but I just don't know. Anyway munchkin, in reply to your mom's attorneys' evil words about why thejudge is justified in keeping me from you, today I filed what's called areply <>brief. However, I don't want you to get your hopes up. You see, theappellate judges who are going to read my words (if they even read them atall) are not interested in removing their guns from my head. (Why daddy?)Because sweetheart, if they take their guns away from me, they are going tohave to take their guns away from every other good father who has beenremoved from their children's lives. If they do that, there are a lot ofpeople (like your mom's attorneys and the state) who are going to lose anIMMENSE amount of money that they are stealing. And crooks don't like tolose money that they worked so hard to steal. (Daddy, they can have themoney I made from my lemonade stand.) Unfortunately sunshine, they wantmuch more money than that. (Daddy, can we do another lemonade stand so Ican make you more money?) Hopefully, in a few months, I'll learn when I can explain to them verballywhat I said in my briefs (this is called oral argument). However, I don'texpect to file my next appeal with the Illinois supreme court for at least 9- 12 months. You see, not only do they not care that I'm losing precioustime with you that you and I will never be able to get back or make-up, butthey also want to make this as painful as possible on me. (Why daddy?)Because pumpkin, if they do that, they think I will quit asking to be anequal part of your life. After all, they've used these tactics for manyyears against other fathers, and they've been very successful as there'snever been a father in the state of Illinois that has done what I'm doing(especially without any legal training). (I love you daddy.) Ilove you too sweetheart. You see, almost all fathers eventually give up,thinking that they can't slay this beast that keeps them from theirchildren. (Daddy, you can use the magic sword from Sleeping Beauty.) Don'tworry munchkin, even though there is no magic sword that I can use, I won'tgive up on you. I will never stop fighting to be with you. (Daddy, pleasedon't leave me.) Dearest Samantha, I intend to earn your love and the love I feel for you. Iintend to be the best father you could ever have. After all, being yourfather is the life-long job I chose over 6 years ago after planning it formost of my life. I won't let you down sunshine. But, I don't ask you totake my word for it - I intend to prove it to you. (Why daddy?) Because that's what good fathers do. Love always, Daddy There is no such thing as visitation between a parent and his child.


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