In Response To Perry Manly
While the loss of a life, no matter what the cause the individual stood for,is a tragic event, we cannot afford to hurt our movement but such drasticand irrational measures. When fathers take to such extremes to gainpublicity it ultimately and always back-fires and provides more fodder andfuel for those in opposition to us. It also ensures the courts they aredoing the right thing by awarding custody to moms because dads are toounstable and do not have the best interest of the children in mind whengoing to such extremes.
I ask and encourage all of you to please not resort to such action.Protesting, handing out pamphlets, marching on the steps of the Capitalbuilding, etc, will guarantee our voices are heard. Actions such as policesuicide, murder, or other violent acts only thwarts our efforts. But moreimportantly it hurts the children and affects them more than anyone else.Now, because this individual committed police suicide, his children are leftwith pain and sorrow of losing what they consider a loving and caringfather, with the question always in their minds of, "Why did he killhimself?" And, "Why did he not think of me before he killed himself?" Thesepoor children will now and forever be haunted with these questions not ableto know the answers as they continue to grow and have children of their own.- Mark A. Wireman
I ask and encourage all of you to please not resort to such action.Protesting, handing out pamphlets, marching on the steps of the Capitalbuilding, etc, will guarantee our voices are heard. Actions such as policesuicide, murder, or other violent acts only thwarts our efforts. But moreimportantly it hurts the children and affects them more than anyone else.Now, because this individual committed police suicide, his children are leftwith pain and sorrow of losing what they consider a loving and caringfather, with the question always in their minds of, "Why did he killhimself?" And, "Why did he not think of me before he killed himself?" Thesepoor children will now and forever be haunted with these questions not ableto know the answers as they continue to grow and have children of their own.- Mark A. Wireman